
Social Justice Advocates: Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo

Recognized by their famous head scarves, the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo are a renowned human rights activist group from Argentina, who fought against the military dictatorship during Argentina’s dirty war for the whereabouts of disappeared persons. One of the Abuelas came out to the Toxic Tour and visited ThyssenKrupp CSA in July 2012. At the Toxic Tour, she listened to community members share personal stories about how the steel plant has adversely affected their lives.

One of the Abuelas came to visit the Toxic Tour in Santa Cruz during Rio+20.

Activists like the Abuelas are a shining example of the type of courage it takes to fight against abusive governments and violent militias like those in Brazil. Many people in Santa Cruz and in Sepetiba Bay have been afraid to speak out against the German steel mill TKCSA, because of threats against their life from local militias. The Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo have proved that silence is a form of oppression and that we must fight for what is right.

Mothers and Grandmothers risked their lives demanding that the military dictatorship turn over the whereabouts of their disappeared loved ones.

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